Might magic 3 blackwind isle chest
Might magic 3 blackwind isle chest

We have a choice of three thrones in Castle Greywind: the Throne of Great Power (+10 to all stats for one character), the Throne of Great Riches (1 million gold and 10,000 gems), or the Throne of Great Possession (about half a dozen random top-tier items). "There we go! Now let's see if those thrones do anything." And it's almost day 50 now! So maybe if we wait a while." "And, uh, we also found out that Greywind married on day 50 and Blackwind married on day 60. "We learned from that one old guy living in the mountains that Blackwind and Greywind had magic thrones that only worked on their wedding days, remember?" "Ooh, great power! That's my favourite kind of power!" There are also other, more minor treasures hidden in some of the fire traps throughout the rest of the castle, usually with a few thousand gold or a few hundred gems. It's not bad, either - multiple high-tier random items from each tower. If we teleport into one of those empty spaces, sure enough, there's treasure waiting for us. Casting Wizard Eye reveals that each of them has an empty space inside. The towers the inscription here is referring to are five 3x3 squares of solid walls in Castle Greywind. Besides, we're supposed to be heroes or something, right?" "Not like there's anything else to do here.

might magic 3 blackwind isle chest

Will you help relieve me from my sorrow?" "I do not know the combination that breaks the spell, but I do know that the solution lies in my dungeon. Or still is, I guess, what with him being a ghost eternally bound to this castle and all." "I'm guessing this used to be Greywind's throne. That was much the same story as the other statue told us, except that now we also know the name of the firstborn son and the occupation of the second son. "Later he killed himself in a fit of remorse, leaving only our daughter, a beautiful cleric, to inherit the throne." "Wait, 'our' daughter? Greywind had kids with the mermaid? I don't even wanna think about how that works." I guess the lesson here is that the kind of guy who starts a war with an archwizard over the love of a bigamous mermaid isn't going to be the best role model for his kids." Only our daughter, a beautiful cleric, was left to inherit the throne." "Reharc killed his ranger brother to gain the throne, but later killed himself in a fit of remorse. "An interesting offer, but I believe our own healing magic will be adequate to our needs." "Really, with a name like that, I don't know what else they were expecting." um, wasn't she the mermaid that Greywind and Blackwind fought over? The one who got both of them cursed and trapped in their castles in the first place?"

might magic 3 blackwind isle chest

Was Greywind breeding these things in here?"ĭinosaurs have a pretty solid chunk of HP and hit for a massive 5-500 damage twice a round, except that as usual they can't punch through the party's obsidian armour. "Where the hell did this come from? If there were any of these living outside, I'm pretty sure we would have noticed them. Screamers can still drive characters insane, but anyone in the party can one-shot them at this point so they won't get a chance to attack. Fortunately, both of these hazards can be negated by having Protection from Fire active. Since we've already done almost every dungeon in the game at this point, they're a pushover. If they pose any kind of serious threat, you're probably too low-level to finish this area right now.

might magic 3 blackwind isle chest

Some Fire Lizards have taken up residence inside Castle Greywind. "What, has he got an urgent sitting-around-doing-nothing-in-his-ruined-castle appointment? Fine, fine, I guess we're doing all the work again. Part 33: An Ill Wind That Blows Nobody Any Good

Might magic 3 blackwind isle chest